Video poker royal flush odds are a topic of fascination for many players who dream of hitting that elusive, high-paying hand. In this article, we’ll explore the odds of getting a royal flush in video poker and discuss some interesting anecdotes from players who have experienced the thrill of hitting one.
Understanding Video Poker
To better understand the odds, it’s important to know how video poker works. A computer chip inside the machine simulates a live dealer, shuffling a standard 52-card deck and dealing five random cards to the player. The player then decides which cards to keep and which to discard. The remaining cards are shuffled, and the player receives replacement cards to complete their hand.
Initial Deal Odds
On the initial deal, the odds of being dealt a five-card royal flush are a minuscule 0.00015 percent (or 1 chance in 649,740). However, it’s not impossible. Some lucky players, including the author of this article, have experienced this rare event.
If you’re dealt five “garbage” cards and discard them all for five new ones, the chance of hitting a royal flush is 1 in 383,484. Again, it’s a long shot, but it has happened before.
Odds When Holding Cards
When you’re dealt four cards to a royal flush, your luck has improved. This occurs once every 2,777 hands on average, but the chance of getting the one card you need for a royal flush on the draw is only 1 in 47. In one five-hour playing session, the author was dealt four cards to the royal flush five times but didn’t hit the royal.
Being dealt three cards to a royal flush is more common, occurring once every 92 hands on average. The chance of hitting a royal flush from three cards is 1 in 1,081. In the same playing session mentioned earlier, the author finally hit a royal flush after a 22-month drought, holding three cards to the royal and hitting the draw button.
If you’re dealt two cards to a royal flush, it’s more frequent, occurring once every 13 hands on average. However, the odds of drawing a royal flush from two cards are long, at 1 in 16,215. Still, it’s not impossible, as the author has converted a hand containing two cards to a royal flush twice in their playing career.
Odds Based on High Cards
On average, you’ll be dealt only one high card on the deal about 100 times per hour. While it’s possible to hold one single high card, hit the draw button, and be dealt the other four cards you need for a royal flush, the odds are 1 in 178,365. So, don’t count on this happening very often.
In summary, hitting a royal flush in video poker is a rare and exciting event. The video poker royal flush odds may seem daunting, but it’s important to remember that anything can happen. So keep playing, and you just might be the next lucky player to hit that elusive royal flush.
The chances of being dealt the cards you need for a royal flush on the initial deal are as follows:
– RF5: 0.00015% chance, which equals 1 in 649,740. You can expect to get one per 1083 hours.
– RF4: 0.036% chance, which equals 1 in 2,777. You can expect to get one per 46 hours, or 1 in 47.
– RF3: 1.09% chance, which equals 1 in 92. You can expect to get 13 in 2 hours, or 1 in 1,081.
– RF2: 7.7% chance, which equals 1 in 13. You can expect to get 46 per hour, or 1 in 16,125.
– RF1: 16.7% chance, which equals 1 in 6. You can expect to get 100 per hour, or 1 in 178,365.
As you can see, the odds of getting a royal flush are quite low. But that’s what makes it so exciting when you do hit one! Just remember to always play responsibly and within your means.